
Define the root error class for all QMENTA exceptions. All exceptions raised by the QMENTA Core library are subclasses of qmenta.core.errors.Error and thus are expected exceptions. If other exceptions are raised, this indicates unexpected behavior of the library.

exception qmenta.core.errors.ActionFailedError(*args: str)

When the requested action was not successful.

exception qmenta.core.errors.CannotReadFileError(*args: str)

When a file cannot be read.

exception qmenta.core.errors.ConnectionError(message: str)

When there was a problem setting up the connection with QMENTA platform.

exception qmenta.core.errors.Error(*args: str)

Base class for all QMENTA Core errors.

exception qmenta.core.errors.InvalidResponseError(*args: str)

The QMENTA platform returned an unexpected response.

exception qmenta.core.errors.PlatformError(*args: str)

When there is a problem in the communication with the platform.