.. raw:: html :file: utils/google_analytics_snippet.html Brain Innovation Hub ==================== We are glad to invite you to |join the Brain Innovation Hub|. The Brain Innovation Hub is a community of groundbreaking Central Nervous System (CNS) researchers, innovators, scientists, clinicians, and professionals. In this space you will find channels to: - Introduce yourself to the community and get to know each other (|intros|) - Talk about non-work-related topics you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels (|lounge|) - Post about any issue you have found so that our support staff can help you in the process (|tech_support|) - Receive and share the latest news about CNS research and other related topics (|news|) - Suggest improvements for the Brain Innovation Hub (|feedback|) .. image:: ./images/brain_innovation_hub.png :width: 1000 px :align: center About QMENTA ------------- QMENTA is an advanced medical image storage, processing and visualization company focused on brain data analysis, specifically using MRI and related clinical data. We provide state­-of-­the-­art medical image processing algorithms in a seamless way in order to accelerate the development of new therapies for neurological diseases via scalable and collaborative cloud platform. If you are interested in knowing more about us, visit us at |QMENTA|. .. External links .. |join the Brain Innovation Hub| raw:: html join the Brain Innovation Hub .. |intros| raw:: html #intros .. |lounge| raw:: html #lounge .. |tech_support| raw:: html #tech-support .. |news| raw:: html #news .. |feedback| raw:: html #feedback .. |QMENTA| raw:: html https://www.qmenta.com/